Storytelling Training Workshop

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What is Storytelling Training?
The art of storytelling is as old as time. Stories have always been used to pass on information from one person to another in a meaningful way. Today, storytelling has a central place in the business landscape – stories are the backbone of growth.

This storytelling workshop will teach you how to use stories to better connect with customers, investors, and your own team. More than just another training, it’s brought to you by a group of storytelling wizards who have worked in the world’s biggest storytelling organization: Hollywood.

Our trainers truly understand the delicate balance between the art of storytelling and the science behind it. They have written stories, performed stories, produced stories, and helped hundreds of leaders and companies get in on the secrets of good storytelling.

Join us today to get in on the secrets of good storytelling and learn how to build a captivating narrative, overcome imaginary barriers, boost your presentation skills and make people care about your message.

Who this Training is For:


...who wish to inspire, engage and lead through story


…who want to build more meaningful relationships by connecting with prospects on an emotional level


...who want to build and sustain high-performance teams


...who wish to unlock their creative potential and build a stronger bond using shared stories


...who need to clearly communicate their vision to investors and customers

“I signed up to do a public speaking seminar through YPO fully expecting world class resources and an only-in-YPO experience. I am happy to say that my expectations were thoroughly exceeded.

LaQuita is a brilliant instructor, observer, coach and psychologist all rolled into one. She took us through a fast paced two and a half day program that allowed every one of the 20 of us to quickly develop our skills and gain the confidence and understanding required to significantly improve our public speaking abilities.
10 out of 10!”

Kojo Mills
Founder and Managing Partner Invictus Africa Group

Who This Training Is For:


...who wish to inspire, engage and lead through story


…who want to build more meaningful relationships by connecting with prospects on an emotional level


...who want to build and sustain high-performance teams


...who wish to unlock their creative potential and build a stronger bond using shared stories


...who need to clearly communicate their vision to investors and customers

LaQuita is a brilliant instructor, observer, coach and psychologist all rolled into one. She took us through a fast paced two and a half day program that allowed every one of the 20 of us to quickly develop our skills and gain the confidence and understanding required to significantly improve our public speaking abilities.
10 out of 10!”

Kojo Mills
Founder and Managing Partner Invictus Africa Group

Topics Covered in the Storytelling Training Workshop

This business storytelling training covers:

  • The key components of a story
  • The types of stories you must know
  • How to infuse storytelling into sales conversations
  • What makes a winning story structure and how to create one
  • Learning what stories to tell and when
  • How to deliver a dynamic story

Workshop Attendance Details

Format: virtual or in person
Length: ½ day to multi day available
Number of Participants: 25 max
Equipment: projection equipment needed in the location
How the Storytelling Workshop Works

You get access to a combination of group discussions, storytelling examples, separate exercises, and lots of practice. Also, there’s a simple step-by-step process to help you find, create and tell your story.

Participants get to understand how to use storytelling in a wide range of workplace situations such as pitches, product launches, meetings, conversations, presentations, and so on.

We’ll hear your bold storytelling ideas and help you nail your narrative.

See first hand which storytelling techniques work, and which ones don’t.

What you will Master

In this storytelling workshop, you’ll learn:



Q: Do I need to bring any materials?

A: No, we provide participants with everything they’ll need.

Q: Is the workshop only for people with advanced storytelling skills?

A: No, our storytelling workshop is open to everyone.

Q: Do I need to do any prework?

A: No, you don’t need any prework to join the storytelling training workshop.